The hilarious story of Being Alone...I mean Hitori Bocchi. xD
Hi, people. Man, Contingency Contract was fun...Oh, sorry, I'm talking about Arknights. sigh ...Azur Lane got an event, Arknights got an event, my working life continues, my life still has to go on...AHH!!!!!! Help! I need the Ganbaru beam!!!! Ganbaru beam!!! Anyway, it still very hard to cope with so many things. Despite that, I'm able to write this post about a certain isekai anime . So, I'm gonna write this post for a simple, light-hearted and funny anime, Hitori Bocchi!!! Let's go!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.