An adventure of a reincarnated bookworm in another world. Wait, what?! Not another isekai...

Hey, people! Well, I wanted to write this post after I wrote about Kishoku Juliet's OP and the Z/X series, Ignition and Code Reunion but obviously, this didn't happen but instead I went on to write about 3 lolis, mermaids, weird end rolls, another anisong, Aikatsu fanfare, a "dumpster fire", another hilarious isekai anime and a world filled with perverts. Wow, that's a lot...

Cute scene...

Anyway, I'm not gonna dwell in the past and start to write about Honzuki, which has a longer name that I'm not gonna write it down here but in the next section. I will try my best to get the blog posts out despite having issues with having not enough time for blogging. OK, let's stop wasting time. Let's go!


SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!!

P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.


Anime "season 1"...

Oh? The series, Honzuki's full name? It is "Honzuki no Gekokujō: Shisho ni Naru Tame niwa Shudan o Erandeiraremasen" (in Japanese, 好きの下剋上 ~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~)...Wow...that's long. I'm gonna stick to Honzuki. The title is translated in English as The Ascendance of a Bookworm and can literally be translated as "The Ascendence of a Bookworm: I'll Stop at Nothing to Become a Librarian"...OK! Let's move on.

The light novel...

Anyway, this series starts as a light novel series written by Miya Kazuki and illustrated by Yū Shiina. I'm not gonna spit out the details here but I would say that it was initially online and then was acquired, which allow it to go offline as a physical book. Happy? Seriously, I dun wanna make this section look too much like Wikipedia. AHEM!

The manga...

Oh, there's also a manga adaptation of the first part with art by Suzuka, which was serialized online via Niconico Seiga website between October 2015 and July 2018. As for the anime TV series adaptation that I'm gonna talk about, it is done by Ajia-do Animation Works. It is split into two parts...why do I feel that I've seen this pattern before? Anyway, there's a two-part OVA episode released on March 10, 2020, and a third season is been announced. Wait...a third season?! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one is the anime "season 2"


On the bed...Myne, her new identity

Her old identity...

The story starts with a five-year-old girl named Myne in a world where books are scarce and only available to elites. Well, this girl like Mile in another person who reincarnated into another world! Her name was Motosu Urano, a book-loving girl and soon-to-be librarian...once upon time until she was crushed to death beneath a pile of books during an earthquake. Sad...

Dang...this is medival Europe, isn't it?

Making something...

Anyway, she as Myne still retains her memories from her previous life. With those memories, she decides to improve her life in this new world where...damn, this is just f**king Medival Europe, isn't it? Putting that aside, she uses her knowledge and memories back in her previous life to create and print her own books so that she can read again. Also, with that knowledge and memories, she is also able to create things that only exist in her previous world and improve her current life. So, yeah, it's all about trying to get herself more books to read.

Her "special" talent...

Anyway, the journey is pretty interesting. Since she is a knowledgable person but lacks interpersonal skills, she came up with ideas and do things that are not in line with the norm in her new world. I personally think it's interesting but I just don't like that it was split into two parts. Anyway, time to move on! Oh, by the way, I will include the side-story episode into my section.

Books once again...

Anime Rating

Story (Rating: 9/10)

The story's plot is pretty typical of isekai anime: a character came into a new world from another world in one way or another and making a BIG mark in the world in different ways. Although it's kinda cliche in a way, the way that her journey is being presented to us is really unique. The flow and pacing of the story are well-handled as it presents the arcs within the story without rushing through any parts too much. The story is also pretty easy to understand, no complicated terms and psychological stuff going on.

Intense moment...

Art and Animation (Rating: 6/10)

The arts and animation are pretty decent. The chibi inner monologue moments are quite cute. It's pretty decent overall. Neither do I like it very much nor do I dislike it. Well, it's good that it's consistent and decent. The episode preview section is also a chibi one. It's pretty decent too. xD

That scene...

Sound and Music (Rating: 7/10)

The background music and all sorts of sound effect...they are all well-used and are quite good. As for the opening theme song and ending theme song...I don't really like them nor dislike them. It's just it's not really my cup of tea but I think they suit the anime very well and are also pretty decent.

Interesting opening sequence...

Characters (Rating: 10/10)

A lot of character development!!! That's all I can say! ...OK, OK, OK...I will elaborate more. The main character, Myne/Urano, learns about the nuance of dealing with people and the society in her new world. There are also good developments for the other characters. Those development are also being dealt with very well, just like with the MC's character development. This anime is truly about the MC! xD...ahem! Anyway, relatability? Maybe we should learn to be like the MC, never give up on your dreams (if you have one).

Discussion's pretty prevalent in this anime.

Enjoyment (Rating: 8/10)

The story is really good but sadly, I'm not that into this anime...seriously, I can't really get myself to really like very much. Maybe it's because of the general content of this anime and its direction. I'm used to cute girls doing cute thing anime...Anyway, you will enjoy the journey if you love a good story with good amounts of character development.

Making a way to wash the hair better...xD

Overall Rating: 8 (8)/10


Hmmm...what should I say?

Myne showcasing her power...

Myne and her retainers...

That special meeting...

That was an interesting moment...

That scene with the knights...

Myne showcasing her magic again...

PV/ Trailer

Conclusion took a little too long to finish talking about the anime that I've watched in the last few months during the lockdown. Well, it's a little too many for me to clear in a short while as it was a lot to handle. Also, I took a little too long to finish this blog post because of a lot of game events and so many other circumstances. Anyway, I will continue to try my best to do so. So...that's the end. With this post being the 201st blog post...there's nothing much to celebrate but I DO hope that you've enjoyed reading and browsing this blog. Goodbye, and God bless you!

Two cute girls...ahem! Anyway, enjoy!


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