UPDATE: Nanoha Reflection Screenshots!!!

You know the drill. Finally, I can take screenshots of the latest Nanoha movie! No, not Nanoha Detonation. It's not out yet, silly. Finally, I can announce it!!! Hahaha!!!!

Nanoha again...

I did mention about making this post previously in the screenshot section of the Nanoha Reflection anime review. Anyway, the history part at the next page. And yeah, the links for Nanoha Reflection screenshots are also there and also the link to my deep dive of Nanoha Reflection.

HISTORY of the Screenshot section

In 20/1/2018: Will be posted next time when it has more availability. I can, at best, give the screenshots from the PV and some official arts for now. I will update you on this. A special post WILL be posted for this update announcement.


- Anime Review: https://unfulfilleddreamz-animegoodnessblog.blogspot.com/2018/01/reflecting-on-life-nanoha-reflection.html
- Anime Deep Dive: https://unfulfilleddreamz-animegoodnessblog.blogspot.com/2018/04/reflecting-on-nanoha-latest-movie.html

The end...

Anyway, I might have this blog on hiatus again. Sorry to say that BUT I NEED to put my focus on my studies. Will keep you in touch with the Facebook page. Hope to see you again when I come with another blog post streak again. See ya! AND God bless you!

Waiting for the next Nanoha Detonation...


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