Reflecting on the Nanoha Latest Movie. Literally.

Hi, people! Do you remember? I told you that I had just watched Nanoha Reflection last year. It was really good! I enjoyed it. I actually wanted to write finish this post before my semester starts but it looks like it is a dream that will not come true. Never mind that. I'll let it be. Anyway, in this post, I will be spoiling a bit (or maybe, a lot) on the movie itself.

It's finally time!

OK, I need to state something here. If you have not watched it, well, it's better that you watch it first for yourself before you continue reading. If you really don't mind being spoiled, then please do go ahead. One more thing, if you haven't watched the first two movies and the anime's season 1 and 2, I would advise you to watch them beforehand to even comprehend and understand what is going on in this movie. Anyway, let's start!!! Start my Anime Deep Dive on Nanoha Reflection!


SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!!

P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Just a bit more to say...

Well, I had mentioned the plot in my previous post already. I will give the link to it, BUT be careful because it's spoiler heavy. Well, if you had read until this point, you should have known it better, isn't it? Anyway, here is the link to that anime review. So yeah, I had talked about the plot before. I won't talk much about the plot here. Instead, I give some of the thoughts that I have when I got my time out from this anime movie.

You are OK with it, right?

1. Kyrie and Amitie

Well, obviously, it's their conflicting thoughts that lead to them fighting each other in the first place. Anyway, Kyrie's thought to save her father and his dream are not wrong but it is done in the wrong way. Hurting her sister and others to get what she wants is not exactly the right way to do it. The problem is Amitie has not expressed anything regarding fulfilling their father's dreams. Amitie is ONLY thinking the now (showing not much concern of Kyrie's wishes) but Kyrie nothing more than a spoiled brat, not understanding that this matter can be fulfilled through much better means. Iris told the truth (in a very blunt manner) about her spoiled brat attitude.

Kyrie and Amitie face each other again...

2. Vengeance is destructive

Iris...she just wanted to revenge. This reminds me of the anime Absolute Duo. I'm not gonna talk about Absolute Duo but here is the thing. Iris, for the sake of revenge, lied to Kyrie from the very first time she met her and used her (ironically, Kyrie did a similar thing for her own means), and created a virus code to control Yuri just to kill every human on Earth to create a desolate world for Yuri to feel despair. you really need to do that?! To be honest, even if the revenge plan is not as extreme, the one who seeks vengeance will drain oneself dry and left with ONLY an empty shell. It is very sad, isn't it?

Vengeance in play...

3. Past can haunt you back if not dealt properly

Fate and Kyrie...similar situation. NOT again! Anyway, if Fate didn't deal with it properly, it could have been her downfall. In fact, because of her past is similar to Kyrie's situation, Fate choose to fight against her to help her realize that there is a better way of doing things, instead of letting her go and at the end, didn't get exactly what she wanted (well, it's not like Fate will know it in this movie. Maybe in the next movie).

Kyrie tries to persuade her to let her go...

4. The same pattern again...

Similar to Nanoha season 1 and 1st movie, Kyrie is in a situation like what Fate was in. Desperate, in pain, and determined to get what she needed. It feels like the Nanoha series is trying to teach us to beat people up to become their friends. JUST JOKING! Don't take that to heart (which some people might, and probably will)! Anyway, this pattern is quite prevalent throughout the Nanoha series. The Wolkenritters in Nanoha A's (and also in movie 2), Lutecia Alpine in Nanoha StrikerS (although the theme is surrounded by a much darker theme than Lutecia's past) and quite a few characters (which I won't tell who are they as it would be a BIG spoiler for a potential ViVid season 2) in Nanoha ViVid (although it has a much brighter theme than the previous ones). All of really makes you really think that this theme is the running theme of this series.

The same thing that Nanoha did for her...

5. Again, the links to Ancient Belka

Well, Iris is not linked to it (maybe, I'm not too sure for now since it is a completely new character) but Hayate's magical tome IS. Again, it invokes the running theme of the resurfacing of the Ancient Belka ever since Nanoha A's. Again, most of our antagonists are from the Ancient Belka civilization (although I'm too sure about Yuri). Anyway, I hope that the movie's success will contribute to the next movie and hopefully, Nanoha ViVid season 2.

Aren't we over this yet?

6. Fate and Nanoha

Well, I can sit here and talk about how gay they are but I'm not here to do so. Their friendship has become a running theme from Nanoha A's onwards until Nanoha ViVid (though they are still friends, it's not the central anymore). They really care for each other. When Kyrie tries to persuade her way out from Fate, Nanoha tried to help Fate even when she hasn't fully broken free.


7. Still, the transformation sequence!

Transformation sequence! Of course, a magical girl anime won't be complete without a transformation sequence. Well, the transformation sequence is quite limited here but it's not that bad, isn't it?

Kyrie transformation complete!


Well, that's the end. Oh, as you see, I had gotten hold of the screenshots. Oh, you asked about my thought on the next movie's resolution of this conflict? Well, honestly, I think that it will be pretty similar to the ending of The Gear Of Destiny and will definitely deal with the addition of Iris and her introduction of a slightly different backstory to deal with. Hopefully, the ending will be well worth our wait. Hope all of you enjoyed it. Oh yeah, BTW, it's the 100th post. Yeah!!! I'd love to see you again. Goodbye, and God bless you!

Kyrie and Iris facing each other again. This time, as enemies.


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