Regarding the Latest Nanoha Movie: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection

Hi, readers. I actually wanted to do a review on an anime (you will know the anime name when the post is up), but since this week will overlap to the next month (March) and I wanted to publish another post so I decided to talk about a bit regarding Nanoha 3rd movie, which is Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection.

Oh yeah, before I move on to discuss the news regarding Nanoha Reflection movie, I would like to apologise regarding my accidental posting of Nanoha ViVid anime review. It is not supposed to be up until the second season is out as it's currently an uncompleted series.

I hope that you would forgive me for my carelessness. I WILL actually publish the review when the second season is out. Hope that you would understand. So, with this settled, let's move on to talk about...

The dates for Nanoha Reflection release in Japan...

...Nanoha Reflection!!! I found this on the first page of the latest Nanoha ViVid manga, which is Chapter 93. It is translated in Mandarin Chinese...sorry that you can't understand the language. But, well, that is an advantage for me. Hehe...Anyways, let's talk a bit about this movie before I go on to talk about the plot of this movie. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (魔法少女リリカルなのはReflection) is the third theatrical anime film in the Nanoha franchise. It was announced on a TV advertisement on October 2, 2016, which was the same day when ViVid Strike went on air. Originally, the planned title had the word, "3rd", but it was removed (as shown in that advertisement) to avoid confusion regarding whether the movie is another existing story remake. This was revealed that it is not adopting an existing story (such as StrikerS) but instead feature an original storyline, taking some cue from the plot of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny, with the addition of some original storyline and characters, as well.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny

Oh yeah, the plot! Enough of the background story. OK, this story takes place three months after the ending of The MOVIE 2nd A's, with Nanoha and her friends attending 5th grade during the summer of 0067. At the same time, the world of Eltria is slowly destroying, same as the setting in The Gears of Destiny. I had seen the trailers. It seemed like it is gonna a fight between the Florian sisters and Nanoha's gang, which includes many of the characters back in Nanoha A's.

The Florian sisters...

Although it was set during the time of the plot of the PSP game, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny, it is still unclear whether this could mean that the movie takes place in the primary continuity of the TV anime series. From the Nanoha Wiki, it mentions that it seems like an attempt to bridge the movie and portable continuities, which are quite different in nature. First of all, this PSP game continues from another PSP game, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces, which propose an alternate storyline to the original Nanoha A's where Nanoha and Fate decided not to end Reinforce's life. Second, it adds inconsistency to the original Nanoha franchise. Why Nanoha is not using the same device that she used in Reflection in StrikerS? Where does the part in StrikerS that depicts that Nanoha was once badly injured and require a HUGE rehabilitation procedure fit in now?

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces

I don't why they are trying to do that. The whole series doesn't make sense with this story inserted in the middle of A's and StrikerS. I read from the Nanoha Wiki implies that this movie will be the first part of a two-part story. I don't know much about this but I'll wait and see. Cannot guarantee. BTW, here it is the promo videos (PV)/trailers for the movie...

Sorry, the PV/trailer below is not that clear as it is recorded. You will understand when you watch it.

Oh, you finished reading? I'm so looking forward to this anime film although it might be damaging to the Nanoha original franchise continuity. I hope that it's AT LEAST good as a movie on its own. I'm afraid that this movie might throw the whole story of Nanoha off the scales as the plot of this movie is in the middle of two anime of the Nanoha franchise, Nanoha A's and Nanoha StrikerS. Hope that it's not true. Anyway, thank you for reading. God bless you and have a good day!


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