Revisiting Nagi no Asukara with Me Giving Rating

Hi, readers. It has been a while I had reviewed Nagi no Asukara last month. Well, you can read my review from here. I have shown quite A LOT of screenshots on that post's main body. BUT well, my screenshot section is quite short. If you want to know the rating system that I deploy, you can refer to the 'Techincal' Anime Review List Page. You can find it on the page tabs above.

Nagi no Asukara promo poster again...

Well, I'm hesitating...whether to give ratings on my normal anime reviews rather than do it separately. I gave thought about it and hey, I decided to do it separately as I can do more on separately and at the same time, not making the post too long. Anyway, let's get started!

SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!!

P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You have been warned.

Story (Rating: 8 out of 10)

Regarding the story of Nagi no Asukara, it has a good plot with a decent twist in the middle. The intensity of the love drama between characters gives a lot of depth to the story regarding the issue of love. BUT since this story could sometimes be incomprehensible because some of the characters are slow when it comes to love and the depth that the story holds, it could quite hard for some people to take it in. And also, the ending. It is just not THAT satisfying. As for the pacing of the story, there is nothing to say except that it is well-paced.

The incident that sparks the story up...

Art and Animation (Rating: 10 out of 10)

The art of this anime? Well, nothing much to say but only ONE thing: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. REALLY AMAZING. The appearance of the character, the consistency of the animation, the movement of the character and the scenery in the anime is amazing!

Beautiful, isn't it?

Sound and Music (Rating: 9 out of 10)

The soundtracks that are involved in different situations of the story is good and well applied in different situations. As for the case of the opening and closing theme songs, they are BEAUTIFUL but I only liked the opening songs and not really liking the ending songs as they are not the type of songs I would like.

The main characters as shown in the 1st opening theme song

The second opening theme song...

Characters (Rating: 7 out of 10)

This part of the anime...for me to talk about it, it's tricky. Although the relatability of the different characters to the audience and the development of the characters throughout the series is good, there is but ONE thing: The 'slow when it comes to love' type of the characters in the anime. ALMOST everyone is slow to realise the love that they have for a certain character. BUT the development of their character over time is satisfying if you move with the flow of the story with patience.

Those two...are the good picture of people who are 'slow when it comes to love'

Enjoyment (Rating: 8 out of 10)

MY preferences? I enjoyed it...really. REALLY ENJOYED IT. I might actually watch it again if you ask me to watch it. Well, although I needed to make myself to watch it due in part of me had watched a majority amount of the anime before rewatching it from start to finish properly, BUT I enjoyed the sad moments, touchy moments and the tear-jerking moments.

The drama...the tears...

Overall Rating: 8.4 (8.5) out of 10


As a FINAL verdict on this anime, I would GO AND WATCH IT if you like tear-jerking, sad moments in love stories. You will enjoy it. Any fan service? Well, nope, none. Oh yeah, one more thing, before the Trinity Seven movie is out, I WILL give ratings on Trinity Seven for my generous giving of anime rating spree this year. I hope that you will like it. So yeah, let's end it here. God bless you and hope that you come to visit this blog once again. Bye.

A future to look ahead of...


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