Hello and WELCOME to my world of anime goodness. There is a bunch of anime reviews and some talks about anime. いらっしゃいませ,皆さん!!!
Review about Gosick (The pieces of chaos are coming to Victorique...)
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Hello, minna! My final exam is finally over. Yeah! As you all saw in my previous posts, I am currently now chasing a few series to warm up for Dog Days Season 3, namely Sora no Method, Inou Battle and Grisaia no Kaijitsu (Well, I've added another one and another one more right now). I might I post a review for each one of them, or maybe one of them, or maybe, none. Well, not to waste any more time, I would like to give a phrase from an anime...for you to guess what anime I'm reviewing this time...
"The fragment of chaos is not enough..."
Note: This is the translated version of the phrase said by one of the characters in the anime that I going to review...well, right now on this post.
Well, have you heard this phrase somewhere before? Maybe, perhaps, you have never heard phase before...maybe you might know the fictional kingdom of Sauville, or Monstre Charmant, or Queen Berry, or ...never mind...Do u know it? If you don't know, then...try to get the answer.
Some cute face to add onto this blog
SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!!
P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You have been warned.
Well, the anime I reviewing is Gosick...Yes, Gosick (in Japanese, ゴシック). Those who saw the po...OK, OK, forget it, let's move on.
Victorque is not impressed...
BTW, the story goes like this:-
In a small, fictional European country of Sauville (This nation never existed...seriously), in 1924, Our MC (short form for main character), Kazuya Kujo, the third son of a Japanese Imperial soldier (I don't why the MC put so much emphasis on that), transferred to St. Marguerite Academy (fictional perhaps...), where urban legends and horror stories are all the rage.
Saint Marguerite Academy
So, I'm telling you that everybody in the school is obsessed with urban legends and horror stories, right? Yes...and I don't understand...What is the ONE THING that makes them so obsessed with the urban legends and horror stories? Honestly, I dun like horror stories. Not that I'm scared of it, it because I dun like the idea of pumping my adrenaline level using horror stories and I don't want myself in having more horrible things going through my head where I already possess the ability to create horrible scenes in my head myself.
The golden-haired girl...Victorque
Well, our next character, Victorique de Blois, a mysterious yet beautiful and brilliant girl who never comes to class and spends her days reading the entire content of the library or solving mysteries that even detectives can't solve.
Pipe and a girl...right...
Maybe, right now, you are like wow...(maybe not), right? Well, let me tell you this story is about solving mystery cases but it eventually shifts to the main characters' relationship despite the turbulent conflict between two dominant factions in the kingdom (which is occult and science...seriously?), that eventually leads to the nation joining the Second World War. Well, let me tell you a secret...they kinda grown into that kind of...you what relationship.
That's sweet...
Well, nothing much to say about it except to talk about our MCs. Well, Victorque has a sharp tongue, abusive bluntness and eccentric attitude while Kujo is very kind and have a sincere attitude, usually soft-spoken and respectful to others.
Fanart, perhaps?
Well, the catch is this...Victorque have amazing problem-solving skills(which she usually describes as "reconstructing the fragments of chaos using (her) wellspring of wisdom"), have amazing learning capabilities (such as easily remembering & recalling a large amount of complex information quickly), and have a strong memory (in which she can show Kujo the exact book he wanted, in the huge library, and the exact page, despite seemingly reading it once long before meeting Kujo).
I have the wellspring of wisdom!
Well, about Kujo ah...He doesn't have a lot 'superpowers' like Victorque...but he can remember the exact details of the crime scene and can recall information regarding the mysteries or crime scenes. The 'superpower' possessed by both of them gives them the power to solve any mysteries in the world.
Just Kujo...
If I have these powers...I can conquer the world. MUAHAHAHahahahaha...Well, BTW, that's it. Thank you for taking the time to read this. BTW, some of the screenshots from the anime are previewed below...
The masked man...
What is she looking at?
Present from Kujo
Just another scene from the anime
Victorque is not happy
The Monstre Charmant...
Another present from Kujo
When the escape plan went wrong...
When the hero comes to the defence
Victorque is enjoying her outing...XD
Attempt to suicide...
Don't cry...
Well, before you I would like to let you hear this anime's opening song...
Hope you enjoy it. HAVE A GOOD DAY! God bless you. Hope to see you next time.
Hi! It's been a while since my life is returning to some form of normalcy. This new form of normalcy is not exactly normal but I need to get used to it for now. Man, I miss my time at home writing blog. The three lolis!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I'm gonna keep this short and nice. OK...after I'm finally done with the Z/X series ( Ignition & Code Reunion ) and the opening theme song for Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet , it's time for me to talk about a new series, Mitsuboshi Colors!!! Three lolis!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post. Introduction Anime with 3 lolis!!! The anime, Mitsuboshi Colors (in Japanese, 三ツ星カラーズ) is an adaptation of a Japanese man
Well, oh...hello everybody! How is life to you? Anyway, I'm here to give another special post after I posted regarding Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso once again . Oh yeah, BTW, this time, the post will be about Aikatsu. BTW, 2wingS is the BEST DUO!!!! Well, I did mention Aikatsu before previously but it is VERY long. I wanted to slot in the rating there but it will make it too long to read. Anyway, this post would probably be quite long BUT hey, I will give Aikatsu the rating in this post. So, let's go!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.
Hi, people. This week, I'm trying to ramp up my blog post publishing as in recent weeks, I've been suck into the Arknights fandom. AH!!! Help! I didn't expect that I would be sucked into a TD game with a pretty poor RNG for character rolls (well, at least, in my opinion, poorer than in Azur Lane). I almost bankrupted because of her...Ahem! Anyway, back to the topic! I remember this scene... Anyway, with me finally posting about NouKin (despite a certain game appeared in my life), I will be writing about another anime. Well, actually I wanted to talk about DomeKano's OP song but I decided against and went for normal anime stuff as it might take too long to produce. Anyway, the anime that I'm about to write here is HenSuki. Let's GO!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and r
Hi people. How are you? I'm fine. I'm feeling much better after a short break quite a while ago. Had a bad week at that time. BTW, I had written a little bit about Aikatsu on Parade just continue the tradition that I've started myself. So now, it's time for another new post! Remember this? This time is the anime called Aikatsu Friends! I have talked about it previously , just like Aikatsu Stars . Also, I hope you didn't forget the original Aikatsu series ! Anyway, let's start!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.
Hi, people. Welcome back! I had planned to do this post right after I came back from my vacation. But, things happened and decided to write about another anime. Te~he! And also, one of my close relatives had passed away recently...just before I finish the post on Saki Achiga-hen . Hoku hoku...nice cat ears btw Anyway, putting that aside, let's talk about Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume!!!! The table tennis (or ping pong, whichever you prefer) anime! Oh yeah, you will see bouncing boobs too. Boing! Anyway, without further ado, let's go!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.
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