Should Have Given the Rating for Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Anime Earlier...Sigh...Never Mind.

Hello again, readers!!! I am back to writing another post on anime ratings by me. But this time, it is the anime, Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka? Well, I had previously written about it before.

So cute!!!

After the usual anime posting for this anime previously, I have not given any rating for it yet, right? So, let's go!!!! GO, GO, GO!!!!


SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!!

P.S. If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Season 1

Story (Rating: 10/10)

There is not much of story plot, to begin with. BUT the directors did well to assemble the 4-panel comic to tell a story. THAT is amazing. Anyway, as the story progresses on, there are a lot of light-hearted moments and funny moments to behold.

Victory pose!!!

Art and Animation (Rating: 9/10)

The arts and animation? It is quite good actually. Well, it's just me. Hehe! I love this anime very much. I'm biased! Just deal with it. Haha! Anyway, its animation is consistent, the girls are well-drawn and basically, EVERYTHING is being animated and well-drawn!!!


Sound and Music (Rating: 9/10)

The anime's BGM is well-done. Well, regarding the opening song, it is quite cute and I used to frequently listen to it. As for the ending song, it's not a song that I particularly like BUT it's REALLY CUTE!!! You might like them.

A scene from the OP...

Characters (Rating: 10/10)

The characters in the story do develop and change over time BUT the interactions between the different characters didn't change. BTW, the interactions between the different characters are pretty funny and cute. Plus, the characters are really cute!!!

All of the characters...

Enjoyment (Rating: 10/10)

I had enjoyed it! What else I could say? The characters are cute, the interactions between them are cute and it always gives a good amount of cuteness when I need it.


OVERALL Rating: 9.6 (9.5)/10

Season 2

Story (Rating: 10/10)

Same old same. Just GOOD. CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The story is well done, a good amount of cuteness is there and enjoying moments to behold.

Cute, right?

Art and Animation (Rating: 9/10)

Well, the same old same. It is quite good actually. Well, it's just me. Hehe! I love this anime very much. I'm biased! Just deal with it. Haha! Anyway, its animation is consistent, the girls are well-drawn and basically, EVERYTHING is being animated and well-drawn!!!

Is that even possible?

Sound and Music (Rating: 10/10)

Song? The ending theme song of this season is SO CUTE!!! Mainly, the music video. Anyway, it is one of my favourite songs. Well, as for the opening theme song, it is quite cute anyway. As for the BGM, it is quite right on the mark.

Cute, right?

Characters (Rating: 10/10)

Same here. Same as the previous season. It may seem like the characters in the story couldn't develop anymore. BUT, well, they DID! The interactions between the different characters didn't change as they change and are as cute as ever and as funny as ever. Well, the characters? STILL are really cute!!!


Enjoyment (Rating: 10/10)

I had enjoyed it! What else I could say? The characters are cute, the interactions between them are cute and it always gives a good amount of cuteness when I need it. And THEN, the ED is really cute!!! Well, that's it. More moe and cuteness.

What game did you play anyway?

OVERALL Rating: 9.8 (9.75)/10


Well, this post is surprisingly short. Anyway, it was a good experience watching this anime SO I highly recommend this anime to ANYONE who wishes that someone or something to lighten up your day!!!! So, yeah...It looks it's the end of the post already. I hope to see ya again. God bless you! And have a good day. Bye.

Here is a fanart for all of you!!!

OVERALL Rating (whole anime): 9.7 (9.625)/10


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