
Showing posts from 2020

Anisong Study: Kawaki wo Ameku (DomeKano's OP)

Hi! It's been a hard time trying to get myself to balance out a lot of things due to the series of Azur Lane events and Arknights events. I seriously need to learn to cope but I think I'm getting the hang of it already...I think... sigh ...Anyway, back to the topic. You are pouting, aren't you? Oh...nope? OK, never mind... OK...this time, I'm gonna take a break from talking about anime and talk about another anime song. I'm actually in a slump on making new anime blog posts although I did successfully publish a new blog post . This one, it's DomeKano's opening song, Kawaki wo Ameku. Well, it's still anime-related but at least, it gives a breather away from talking about the anime plot and so on and so forth...Anyway, let's go, people!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING:- Although this post is just me talking about a certain anime song, there might be SPOILERS from the anime. If you are planning to watch the anime without any spoilers, you can either continue to...

Connecting our cute princesses together to fight EVIL!

Hello. How are you? I've been trying hard to balance my time for Azur Lane, Arknights, anime and blog. AH!!!! Help! It's really hard to do so, you know? It was, it is hard but at least, things have calmed down a bit, which allows me to post a little more posts although the speed of publishing of new posts is still quite sluggish. The heroes are back! Anyway, after I discussed Vividred Operation and its opening theme song  on this blog, it's time for me to talk about the anime that I've watched about a season ago, Princess Connect. There are a lot of cute girls and funny scene for you to enjoy. So, without further ado,'s time for it. Let's go!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on con...


Hello, people! Despite having recent struggles in terms of balancing my time and publishing new blog posts, I have succeeded in published two blog posts this month, the Oregairu season 3 one and the Vividred Operation one . YEAH! Cute girls!!!!! Back to topic, people. Anyway, as I've promised in my previous blog post, I will talk about the opening theme song of the anime Vividred Operation. OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING:- Although this post is just me talking about a certain anime song, there might be SPOILERS from the anime. If you are planning to watch the anime without any spoilers, you can either  continue to read  or  move on . P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it, you HAVE been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you insist on continuing to read this post. Introduction The song, The Other Side of th...

Another vivid operation! Time to go for it! Let's go!!!!!!

Hey, people! I have been struggling to balance my time usage nowadays between Arknights, Azur Lane, blogging and watching anime. sigh ...I am trying my best to do so. Well, at least I have published a new blog post this month least.  What a scene... Who is that? I wonder... Anyway, in recent months, I find fall in love with a certain opening song of a certain anime that I'm gonna talk about now. Oh, you wanna know? It is...Vividred Operation!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!! All out for cute girls and cute lolis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Oregairu season 3: Ending the three seasons of drama

Life and drama...always there and never-ending. Oh, hi! How is life for you? I'm having some hard time here. Coping with my personal issue, with Arknights and Azur Lane, with blogging, with, God, help me... Yeah, such a pain...this whole "beating around this bush" thing... Anyway, after 3 seasons of drama and the characters keeps on not being straightforward (like so many of us) and also after finally publishing a new blog post , it has finally met its end. All good (and bad) things come to an end, isn't it? Oh, if you dunno what I'm talking about, I'm talking Oregairu season 3. So, let's go!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

The hilarious story of Being Alone...I mean Hitori Bocchi. xD

Hi, people. Man, Contingency Contract was fun...Oh, sorry, I'm talking about Arknights. sigh ...Azur Lane got an event, Arknights got an event, my working life continues, my life still has to go on...AHH!!!!!! Help! I need the Ganbaru beam!!!! Ganbaru beam!!! Anyway, it still very hard to cope with so many things. Despite that, I'm able to write this post about a certain isekai anime . So, I'm gonna write this post for a simple, light-hearted and funny anime, Hitori Bocchi!!! Let's go!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

An adventure of a reincarnated bookworm in another world. Wait, what?! Not another isekai...

Hey, people! Well, I wanted to write this post after I wrote about Kishoku Juliet's OP and the Z/X series, Ignition and Code Reunion but obviously, this didn't happen but instead I went on to write about 3 lolis , mermaids , weird end rolls , another anisong , Aikatsu fanfare , a "dumpster fire" , another hilarious isekai anime and a world filled with perverts . Wow, that's a lot... Cute scene... Anyway, I'm not gonna dwell in the past and start to write about Honzuki, which has a longer name that I'm not gonna write it down here but in the next section. I will try my best to get the blog posts out despite having issues with having not enough time for blogging. OK, let's stop wasting time. Let's go! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don...

What happens when you have only perverts to fall in love with?

Hi, people. This week, I'm trying to ramp up my blog post publishing as in recent weeks, I've been suck into the Arknights fandom. AH!!! Help! I didn't expect that I would be sucked into a TD game with a pretty poor RNG for character rolls (well, at least, in my opinion, poorer than in Azur Lane). I almost bankrupted because of her...Ahem! Anyway, back to the topic! I remember this scene... Anyway, with me finally posting about  NouKin  (despite a certain game appeared in my life), I will be writing about another anime. Well, actually I wanted to talk about DomeKano's OP song but I decided against and went for normal anime stuff as it might take too long to produce. Anyway, the anime that I'm about to write here is HenSuki. Let's GO!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and r...

Tries to become 路人甲 but fails miserably. xD

Hello! How are you, people? It was a good time for me. My life is relatively calm, nice and all is fine with me. Oh, by the way, if you dunno what that set of Chinese characters means, it (路人甲) literally means "Bystander A". Ahem! Moving on! Cute girls in swimsuits!!!! As I've slowed down my publishing of new posts ever since Aikatsu on Parade ...Oh well, I did publish a new post about DomeKano . Anyway, I didn't post a single blog post for a little more than a week. I was hooked onto Arknights. Help...So, anyway, I'm here to talk about NouKin. LET'S GO!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Sometimes, life is like a dumpster fire...just like this "dumpster fire anime"!

Hello! How are you, people? Looking at this world...doesn't it look like a dumpster fire that you can't look away from? Hehe...hehe...muahaha!!!!! You think I'm going crazy? Just look at this world. Go and see it for yourselves. Ahem! I got ahead of myself. Anyway, it is not wrong that this world is slowly devolving into a HUGE dumpster fire. Well, putting that aside, you would know what anime that I'm gonna talk about now if you've watched the video above. So...let's GO!!!!! Domestic na Kanojo! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Time for a fanfare!!!! Fanfare of Aikatsu!!!!! Aikatsu on steroids!!!!!!

Hi! How are you? For me, things have calmed down a little, it seems. With COVID-19 pandemic faded away in my country but still around, we can't afford to let our guts down now. In fact, we need to level up our healthcare system against future pandemics. OK, back to the topic. I have written and published a few posts on the way, including this one on Princess Principal's OP . A cute picture to begin the post! Actually, I wanted to post this back in March or April but I've decided against it because I wanted to publish this post after COVID-19. Plus, there is an ONA spin-off related to this series, which has a REALLY long time gap in between different episodes. So, I decided to hold off the publishing of it. Anyway, since COVID-19 won't be gone any time soon, so I decided to make it a post to lighten things up. So, Aikatsu on Parade! アイパラ、始まります! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DO...

Anisong study: The Other Side of the Wall

Well, well, hello, people. How are you? I've been on a streak of publishing new blog posts this week, which were about Endro and Seto no Hanayome . These posts are pretty short because of the nature of the anime's plot. Don't worry. I did my best to maintain the good quality of my posts as I prefer quality rather than quantity. Cute girls chilling...xD Anyway, it's time to have a deeper look into it... Anyway, this time, like the last time, would like to put off anime review post for a moment to talk about a song that I would like to talk about: The Other Side of the Wall, which is the opening song of the anime Princess Principal  (which I had made a special post about it before). Amazingly, this opening theme song actually an English song. So, it will be a slightly different experience. Anyway, let's not waste more time and time to go. Let's go! WARNING:- Although this post is just me talking about a certain anime song, there might be SPOILERS from the anime....

Weird and funny hero and demon lord story...End rolls please!!!

Hello! How are you? It's nice to have back some normalcy in life. I hope that the situation won't have huge changes that will screw up my plans once more. I observed that I'm saying lesser and lesser thing on this segment...never mind! Maybe it's just me. Back to topic! A decent normal life... Anyway, this show is a show that was out not too long ago. It is...ENDRO!!!!! BTW, I have written about Seto no Hanayome and Mitsuboshi Colors . Just a reminder (and my shameless self-promotion section). Ahem! Anyway, back to the topic. It's time for Endro!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post.

Time for mermaids and ridiculous shit...xD

Hi! It has been a while that my life has returned to a certain amount of normalcy. It so normal to the point where I feel that it is the daily normal life that I'm used to. sigh ...yes, I know it's not. I hope the global economy is better as we continue to fight Covid-19. Also, I watched a few new anime. One of them was like blew my mind. These two...reminds of those days... Anyway, I have written about Mitsuboshi Color  and I've decided to talk about the first anime that my former classmate during my Secondary School introduced to me: Seto no Hanayome (or in English, My Bride is a Mermaid)!!! Let's say no more and move to the next segment!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post....

3 stars, 3 colors, 3 lolis doing their own things & their own adventures!

Hi! It's been a while since my life is returning to some form of normalcy. This new form of normalcy is not exactly normal but I need to get used to it for now. Man, I miss my time at home writing blog. The three lolis!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I'm gonna keep this short and nice. OK...after I'm finally done with the Z/X series ( Ignition & Code Reunion ) and the opening theme song for Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet , it's time for me to talk about a new series, Mitsuboshi Colors!!! Three lolis!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!!!! WARNING:- SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't watched it and plan to watch it without anyone being the spoiler, please DON'T CONTINUE READING!!! P.S.  If you want to be spoiled, well, go ahead and read it. You HAD been warned. Don't blame me for being spoiled if you INSIST on continuing to read this post. Introduction Anime with 3 lolis!!! The anime, Mitsuboshi Colors (in Japanese, 三ツ星カラーズ) is an adaptation of a Japanese man...